This Week!
CiaoMilano Italian
This Week!
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After dark

Out of town

No smoking

  • Milano. Porta Nuova
    Milano. Porta Nuova
  • Milano. Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi
    Milano. Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi
  • Milano. Brera
    Milano. Brera
  • Largo Cairoli
    Milano. Largo Cairoli
  • Milano. Triennale
    Milano. Triennale
  • Milano. Villa Reale
    Milano. Villa Reale
  • Milano. Teatro alla Scala
    Milano. Teatro alla Scala
Booking coming
Booking going

No smoking

Montenapo. Il Quadrilatero della Moda
Monte Napoleone. The famous Fashion District
windows not to be missed

Museo del Novecento
Museo del Novecento. From the Futurists to Lucio Fontana
enjoy modern art

Start your journey
Start your journey! Take a look at the map and begin choosing
come to know the city

San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore. The frescoes
San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore. The frescoes
free Renaissance

Teatro alla Scala
what's on
La Scala

Cinema Godard
Masterpieces only.
what's on cinema

Intorno al 1925. Il Trionfo dell’Art Déco
When the European bourgeoisie had fun.
what's on exhibitions

Shirin Neshat
Visions from Teheran.
what's on exhibitions

Don't trust technology.
what's on exhibitions

Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino
Books! Why not?
what's on out of town

Contemporary Art at FieraMilano City.
what's on events

Salone del Mobile
April. The Design Fair and Week
what's on events

Mercatone dell’Antiquariato
Canalbanks and colourful antiques.
what's on events


copyright © 1997-2025 Roberto Peretta, Milano; copyright © 1997-2006 Monica Levy, Milano

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updated on March 26, 2025