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Intorno al 1925. Il Trionfo dell’Art Déco
February 27 through June 29, 2025

more pictures .:. It took some fifteen years after WW2 to realize that the war was really over, when the talk of the town moved to subjects like the Swinging London, Bob Dylan or the Second Vatican Council. Apparently, WW1 was faster. The Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes opened in Paris on April 29, 1925, that is seven years after the armistice, soon to be recognized as a major event in the history of style.
.:. "Modern" became a keyword, and applied arts no longer considered decoration a Cinderella. Everywhere ornamentation took the place of sobriety, to the point that even Art Nouveau – dominant in the previous decades and itself not exactly a manifesto of plainness – was rapidly overshadowed.
.:. Milan's royal palace is celebrating the turn one century later, exhibiting hundreds of glassworks, porcelain and majolica plates, textiles, furnishings and jewels, as well as fine art pieces like paintings, sculptures, drawings, and advertising posters. Period images and film clips help recreating the unique and captivating atmosphere of the era.
.:. Italy contributed very much to the international trend, with artists like Gio Ponti (some of his vases are pictured above), Tomaso Buzzi, Paolo Venini or Galileo Chini. Perhaps the most important firm at a national level was Richard-Ginori, named Ginori 1735 today. Their historical museum, aside the plant, is now a State property.
.:. The exhibition is particularly attracting. Its shop, too, is worth an attentive look. Temptations.


Where Palazzo Reale
Piazzetta Reale 
nearest subway station Duomo
Duomo district

  Tue-Sun 10am-7:30pm, Thu till 10:30pm (last entrance an hour before closing time)
   Euro 17 / Euro 10
    [+39] 02 54912


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