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Public Transport  Tramways, Subways etc
Milan boasts long experience of public transport: its first street cars date back to 1841, its first subway line to 1964. Today, the wide assortment of trams, buses, trolley-buses and five lines of subway make it easy to get to almost every corner of town. The Fiera Milano City, for instance, is on the red subway line 1 (direction Rho Fiera, Lotto stop).

.:. After paying, you can travel for 90 minutes on as many trams, buses and subway lines as you like.

.:. Tickets (Euro 2.20 for most of the city territory) are not for sale on vehicles: you can buy them at most newsstands and in some bars, or from ticket vending machines in subway stations.
.:. You can also pay contactless, on board or at subway turnstiles, through your smartphonr or a credit card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Maestro or VPay).
.:. Daily (24 hours) and three-day tickets are also on sale.
.:. Outside the city limits prices increase, according to a system based on metropolitan areas. Information on the areas in the metropolitan system can be found in a different webpage.

.:. Public transport information is available from the ATM office in the Duomo subway station as well as in other major subway stations, at the phone (02 48607607, every day 7:30am-7:30pm), or at the ATM website.
Azienda Trasporti Milanesi

.:. To get a diagram of the Milan subway, click here.
.:. Information on the Passante, in operation since December 1997, can be found here.

Schema della Metropolitana Milanese (30 kB)

info Checkin' out of the subway

Like in London, subway tickets must be validated when leaving stations.
.:. Keep your ticket at hand. If you can't prove you bought a regular ticket, you are likely to be stuck in the station.
.:. If you paid contactless, pass the same card when leaving.
Taxi  Taxis
Milan's white taxis can be called by phone dialing 02 8585 or 02 4040. Both companies provide an app, as Uber does.
.:.  Since August 2015 the 02 7777 centralized toll free phone number has entered operation. It doesn't involve all drivers, however.
.:.  Hailing a cab doesn't work too well, especially when international fairs are in progress and all the towns' 5,000 cabs seem to be busy.

    [+039] 02 8585

    [+039] 02 4040

    [+039] 02 7777 toll free

Bici  bikes
Shared bikes, too, are evailable as a public service.

1500 Tramway Car
The 1500 Tramway Cars have been running efficiently in Milano since 1928. About one hundred are still in operation. CiaoMilano has devoted a video to the town's streetcars


KIWI Milano  Zurb Foundation  Creative Commons License
.:. CiaoMilano was conceived and is edited by KIWI Milano. It relies on the Foundation 6 framework, and is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International licence.

.:. Icons by

.:. copyright © 1997-2025 Roberto Peretta, Milano; copyright © 1997-2006 Monica Levy, Milano

.:.Monica Levy, who created this website in 1997, is no longer with us. Her smile is behind this word.

Da Vinci = No Problem
Milan city tours
The Last Supper, otherwise difficult to book?
You can reserve a specialized visit through our partner Musement.
Booking coming
Booking going
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updated on March 26, 2025