.:. opportunities / open culture
Domenica al museo
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Thanks to the Ministry of Culture, many Italian museums can be entered
free on the first Sunday of each month. In Milano, you're welcome to visit the
Brera National Gallery and the
Last Supper - though reservations are requested.
.:. There's more, however. Thanks to the City, this month you will also be admitted free into the museums at the
Sforza Castle, the
Museo del Novecento in Piazza del Duomo, the
GAM, Gallery of Modern Art, at the
Villa Reale, and the
Gallerie d'Ítalia in Piazza della Scala.
.:. Other museums you can visit without paying for the ticket can be reached out of town. Their
list is found, in
Italian only, at the ministry's website.